Every woman wants long slender legs, but what it would be Svetlana Pankratova? Because she is a woman with the world's longest legs. Unmitigated feet 1.3 meters long.
Svetlana has officially get the title from the Guinness Book of World Records. By then the whole foot 1.3 m height is 1.9 meters. No wonder Svetlana suitable working as a basketball coach at Falls Church, Virginia.
"It's not at all easy because the kids love teasing you," said the Russian-born woman as reported didunia.net. "They love to tease because I looked different. So I was often teased as high. "
Although long legs but not the woman Svetlana highest worldwide. The title holder is Yao Defen with 2.3 meters height. But Yao had died, allegedly due to gigantism.