Here are 5 great inventions amazing future, quoted from ide2gue.blogspot.com

1. Global Municipal Wi-Fi

Municipal Wi-Fi is a change in the concept of the city as a whole into a Wireless Access Zone, with the ultimate goal of making wireless access to the Internet to be a universal service. This is usually done by giving the city broadband via Wi-Fi to large parts or all parts of the city area by deploying a wireless mesh network. The design of the deployment of hundreds of routers that use the spread in the open. The network operator acts as a wireless Internet service provider.

Can this be created? In fact, this technology has been around in various cities around the world. However, it is not common enough to be considered mainstream. Typically, a private company working closely with local governments to build and operate such a network. Financing is usually done either by the private companies and municipalities. Once in operation, the service can be free, supported by advertising, the monthly charge per user or some combination.

2. Underwater tunnel (Transatlantic Tunnel)

Transatlantic Tunnel (Underwater Tunnel Connecting Europe America) is a plan to connect the Americas and Europe through the underwater tunnel. This tunnel may be possible, given the previously existing Euro Tunnel connecting Britain and Europe. But Transatlantic Tunnel using different construction to the Euro Tunnel. Euro Tunnel using a tunnel through the ocean floor (in the basement at the bottom of the sea), but Transatlantic Tunnel using a tunnel that floated in the ocean with thousands invested buffer cables on the seabed.

3. Colonization Ocean

Ocean colonization is the theory and practice of permanent human settlements in the ocean. Such settlements may float on the surface of the water, or a safe way to the seafloor, or are in the middle of it. The advantage of this ocean colonization include the expansion of habitable area and develop access to resources. Lessons learned from this colonization is applicable to space colonization. Ocean is easier than to colonized space.

Can this be done? Yes, but the economic realities must be taken into consideration. Themselves in order to be sustained, the colony in question should aim to produce something that holds a comparative advantage can be taken of the ocean related. While it can save the cost of purchasing the land, but the construction of structures that float in the ocean requires tersebuka own expense. One of the most realistic possibility is the delivery of electricity from tidal energy.


Bionika is a term that refers to the flow of ideas from biology to engineering and vice versa. Thus, there are two slightly different viewpoints with regard to the meaning of the word. In medicine, Bionika means change or repair organs or other body parts by mechanical versions. Planting different bionic prosthetic merely by mimicking the original function very precisely, or even outmaneuvered.

In the field of technology, Bionika refers to the development of certain technologies that replicate biological adaptation to the environment. An example is a duplicate hull skin of a dolphin, or sonar, radar, and medical ultrasound imaging imitating the echolocation of bats.

In Indonesia Bionika in medicine has been developed. Bionika is the original nature of the new science of Indonesia, established since 1974 on research (experiments) so that this knowledge is based on that evidence obtained from experiments. This knowledge aims to study all phenomena metaphysical (mystical, magical, supernatural, miracles) with scientific thought rather than thinking based on mythology and belief / religion specific.

Its main runway is combined physics with biology (physiology) and psychology. With this knowledge we can apply or implement in many issues. One application (implementation) bionika theory is, for example, in healing. Healing is called bionic recovery (healing bionic). The effect is as if a strange, magical, and difficult to understand, leading to healing is called by many names corresponding assumptions, beliefs, and beliefs of each person. Some sources mention metaphysical healing, reiki healing, mystical healing, healing miracles, etc..

5. Contra-Gravity

Anti-gravity is the idea of ​​creating a place or object that is free from the force of gravity. Anti-gravity does not mean a lack of weight under gravity experienced in free fall or orbit, or pressure balancing gravity with other pressures, such as electromagnetism or aerodynamic lift.

Anti-gravity does not mean the fight pressure with pressure opposing gravity of a different nature, such as helium balloons; instead, anti-gravity pushing the underlying causes gravitational pressure so created does not exist or was not able to apply for a place or object through a kind of technological intervention particular. -Applied practical applications of antigravity starts from reduced transport costs to the manipulation of gravity in space.

Can it be created? The short answer is no. However, there are theories that indicate the existence, or at least the chance of antigravity. One of the most common theory is Biefeld-Brown effect. This effect is not technically antigravity, but a duplication of these effects. Basically, a large number of positively charged ions are drawn to the subtle negative electrode, where the ions are neutralized again. In the process, thousands of impacts occur between the ions that are filled with air molecules in the air gap blind, which led to a momentum transfer between the two, which creates a directed network of pressure on the electrode array.

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