7 people are crazy on sex

1.Wilt Chamberlain

people who are famous in the world of the NBA, he never managed to reach 100 points in one game. He also claimed to be a monster to matters of sex:'ve at least slept with 20,000 women. The problem is, what is said Wilt, most likely a lie, because if true, then it means that Wilt had to sleep with at least 3 women every two nights, from the age of 15 years to the day of his death. Over the past 21 years.

But for those who knew Wilt sebagain, this would not be strange, because it turned out to Wilt, would be very easy to ask for two or three women to accompany him at once in one night, let alone there are 23 women had accompanied him on a journey on the ship for 10 days.

History is inscribed: People who [the possibility of once] never actually slept with 20,000 women during his life.

2. Marquis de Sade

Ever denger Donatien Alphonse François name de Sade? if sado masochist? Well .. sado masochistic activity is said to appear and the name of this activity is based on his behalf: Sade <=> Sado. His name was not far away from the tie binding, whip whipping and sadistic activities Sado Masochism.

Marquis de Sade is more often spent his life in prison or in psychiatric hospitals. And if you're not in both places before, he will engage in activities that led to his life ended in one of two places earlier. Marquis de Sade was a huge fan of the prostitutes and often do strange things to them, with promises of more pay. What strange activity? yes sado masochism activities earlier.

Even in old age, the Marquis de Sade was still continuing his crazy activities, even he had found a young woman who wanted to stay with him and would serve all kebutuhanya. Marquis de Sade died in prison, the state is involved an affair with a teenage daughter who works there.

3. Caligula

To make a movie about Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, aka Caligula, not well-known director like Ridley Scott or Stanley Kubrick, but specifically for this Roman Emperor, must be made along the three-hour pornographic movie ever!

Why? simply and solely because of his lunacy known Caligula for all things sexual crazy. What is clear from all kegilaanya, there are some things that are still remembered and indeed must have proven: a favorite horse that is often invited to dinner and even to be named as consul

In addition to efforts earlier nutty, notorious Caligula convert his palace into a brothel, with the wives of the officers were forced to serve the guests, only to increase the wealth of the kingdom. He also often suddenly forcing someone to sleep with him. Anyone, whether a wania when her marriage, or pregnant women, one of three sisters, or the woman where she was visiting, essentially like-like him.

4. Johnny Wadd

Johnny Wadd, a porn star who might be a porn star idol of all the others. He appeared in more than 2,500 films. What makes it famous is the size of the goods that dikatanan "two and a half times the length of 6 inch ruler". According to his wife when the length of 'only' about 10 inches (Yes.. Is approximately 23 cm)

He claimed to have slept with more than 20,000 women, whereas if the calculated real, most nothing more than 'only' 3,000 people. One thing that is remembered of it is up to the rules of justice which forbids John to perform anal sex. Because he did not intentionally cause the death of someone because of the size of the 'barang'nya.

History is inscribed: Lie outstanding, plus the command of the judiciary, which are all derived from the extraordinary size of the goods.

5. Giacomo Girolamo Casanova de Seingalt

The name is certainly not easily forgotten in the history of sexuality. Giacomo Girolamo Casanova de Seingalt, world-class lover, he had met with the Pope, various Lords, Voltaire and Mozart. According to the autobiography he wrote, he started a sexual adventure with an extraordinary way. He loses his virginity in an extraordinary way, he slept with his older sister who actually give themselves to him, at the age of 16 years!

Throughout his life, he could never stay in one city. Most of the move happened because he was expelled from the city where he lived. And most of the expelled gara2 women. As a trader, Casanova was sometimes successful and sometimes failed and lost a lot of money, and money lost is mostly due to having to pay the woman he slept.

One of his achievements is to sleep with children aged 14 years and a nun (nun), and both invited together in bed.

6. Xaviera Hollander

He was known as the 'Happy Hooker', he was known as a woman by Eliot Spitzer paid $ 1,000 a night to sleep with him. $ 1,000 was in the 60's. Is now worth approximately $ 6,000, or 600 million dollars!

Initially Xaviera is a secretary of the Netherlands (Holland), and probably got tired, he eventually moved to America and pursue a new career in the sexual world. At the end of his career, he wrote many books on sexuality and a counselor for phone sex operators, as well as writer for porn magazine, Penthouse

7. Chuck Negron.

Lead singer of the group "Three Dog Night 'is so addicted to matters of sex and cocaine, until disaster because of his addiction is to stop him.

Doctors have said that the conditions experienced because of cocaine and sex crazy ties, it was found that the cocaine had been used to stimulate appetite and chucks his physical strength in intercourse

As usual, the disaster that befell arise because of an overdose. At the time cocaine was drunk, had sex with chuck (gossip), one of Miss America contestants, and at this moment, 'stuff' Chuck is completely broken. This meant the destruction of a sudden there is a rupture of blood vessels, and as can be expected, blood splattered everywhere.

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