Strongest Computer on Earth

The capacity of the human brain is very large, even unlimited calling. Only unfortunately people usually only use 1% of his brain, while the geniuses managed to use 4-5% of his brain.

The human brain is composed of neurons that totaled 1 trillion. Although small, it has been said that one neuron has a processing speed equivalent to one unit of the computer. Adam Kho through his book "I am Gifted, So Are You" says that the brain was when written in digital form will be written along the 10.5 million kilometers. When the farthest distance the earth and the moon is about 406,720 km, then our brain capacity equivalent to 25 times the journey from earth to the moon. Additional information again, from the book Super Great Memory is said that, if every 10 seconds put the information into our brains to 100 years, then the human brain is still half full. There are some researchers who try to quantify the capacity of the brain, there is mention three terabytes, and there is also a call to 1000 terabytes. Meaning what? Humans have the same brain capacity, the implication is that in fact we all have a perception of the same learning materials. And no stupid people on this earth!

Lucky Man who created God with all your senses are perfection. Hearts to be grateful, and reason to think seeking the secrets of nature and process them. God created man from not knowing anything to knowing, learning, brain develop over time. With the human brain to think, to use all senses to capture the greatness of God and science.

"And God brought you from your mother's belly in a state of not knowing nothing, and He gave you hearing, sight and hearts, that ye may be grateful." (Surah An Nahl: 78).

Sense created by God to think and find the secrets of the universe beautiful and full of knowledge to be learned, explored and exploited for the benefit of mankind. Without thinking and using his wits and his men will not develop in accordance with nature. There are several kinds of intelligence ...

Verbal intelligence, is one part of the multi-intelligence mentioned by Gardner, people who have high verbal intelligence are not only capable of processing the words effectively but also be able to interpret something that is written well.

Intrapersonal intelligence, understanding ourselves, recognizing that there are advantages and disadvantages to himself, he would not want to do something outside the boundaries kemapuannya. Success is also determined by how we know ourselves. Interpersonal intelligence is an ability to build relationships with other people, success begins with these steps.

Naturalist intelligence, this intelligence gives us the ability to recognize all kinds of things dead and alive. To achieve our goals and success. A simple example, the film Mc Giver, a person who can use some simple tools for memcari way to save themselves.

Spatial intelligence, the ability to determine direction and position is a talent that is brought by people with good spatial intelligence. When not in training, we get ready for stray current to bring the vehicle and can not take decisions based on logic.

Ekstensial intelligence, this intelligence gives us the ability to always appreciate what is and what happened to us so that we can be something useful though.

Logical mathematical intelligence, intelligence is most often measured in IQ tests, if intelligence is high, he would be able to use reason and logic in solving problems. Nevertheless we should not give the conclusion someone stupid just because of the IQ factor alone.

Kinesthetic intelligence, intelligence consists of fitness, exercise, if we want to be healthy it with exercise and a balanced lifestyle, we can be healthier.

Although our brain is referred to as the most powerful computer on earth, but they still need a continuously charged in order to keep working optimally. Just like a motor vehicle that must be our routine service and even a tune up, our brain also needs to be treated. According to the sources that I read "Akhmad guntar" there are 6 proven ways to improve our brain power, that is ...

Exercise, Exercise can strengthen the brain by stimulating the formation of brain cells (neurons) are newly formed, which is commonly known as neurogenesis. Exercise will also strengthen the connection between these sel2.

Sleep and Rest for a moment, Sleep contribute an important role in brain development and growth. Without sleep elbow, neurons will not have enough time to repair all the damage, and even can be no functioning throughout the day.

Eating Apples and Vegetables, vegetables can help keep the brain young and mempelambat mental decline at increasing age. Vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, kale, and spinach, including who can give very beneficial impact. Vegetables contain lots of vitamin E that act as antioxidants against the destruction of chemical resultant cells by the body. Meanwhile, research conducted by the University of Massachusetts Lowell suggests that apple juice can increase the production of an important neurotransmitter acetylcholine in the brain who can improve the power of recollection.

Fasting, Fasting to cleanse and eliminate toxins in the body. It is common knowledge that makanan2 heavy burden not only will our digestive system but also drain the resources of the brain. Not only remove toxins from the body, fasting can also remove emosi2 toxins such as anger, sadness, worry, and also afraid, before all of it accumulates to become disease. By doing cleanup at toxic emotions, fasting can strengthen the clarity of mind and memory, as well as improve concentration and creativity.

Mental simulation, Just as physical activity can make your body strong, mental activity will also make your mind become increasingly sharp and tough. The more often we think, the better our brains function and will continue to grow regardless of how no matter what our age. Without something to make our mind continues to work, our brains, just as muscles are idle, could be atropy, decline in cognitive abilities.

Social Interaction, Social Butterfly can have protective effects on the brain. Not only interact with orang2 can stimulate our brains, but also can make our minds more sharply. How could ya? Yes yes, would not face the people could be learning and experience is very challenging, especially when dealing with people who annoying hehe ...., Talking with other people for 10 minutes every day can increase the ability to remember.

The brain is an organ uniquely human is very important to regulate the process of thinking, consciousness, memory, emotion, personality. The human brain is divided into right and left has a different function, brain function left to think rationally related to mathematics, language, analyze, control of the right hand. The right brain is associated with intuitive thinking, art, aesthetics, music, control your left hand. People who have left-handed against right-brain dominance. To form a complete human being is not only smart enough with the intelligence or the human brain alone but must also be intelligent emotionally and spiritually.

Verily in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of night and day there are signs for men of understanding. Namely those who remember Allah, stand up, sitting, lying down and they think about the creation of the heavens and the earth (saying):

"Our Lord, Nor You created this in vain. Blessed art thou, then save us from the punishment of hell ". Q.S 3 Ali 'Imran :190-19

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