Google's social networking + was introduced in June 2011. As the search enginegiant Google seems to really want to master the virtual world. Facebook as the largest social networking users at this time would be lost if not improve its services.
A few months ago, Friendster, social networking more than facebook first aired,went bankrupt as a result unable to deal with competitors. Facebook also did not rule out going to lose a lot of users if not prepared with surprises provided byGoogle.
Currently Google + is still in development stage. That means the services providedare not maximized. Some features of Google + that will captivate the hearts of Facebook users are:
Circles (Circles)
Circles or circle is a feature that filters out all sorts of relationships, both friendshipsand families. This feature is similar to the existing friendship on Facebook. OnlyCircles provide a better grouping.
Hangouts (Hanging)
Hangouts or Hanging is a service that allows users to see each other face with avideo call. It's very interesting because this feature is not in Facebook.
Sparks Google + allows users to access other Google services without leavingGoogle +. Google integrating all its products with Google +