The jet China high-tech stealth fighter that makes the United States worry allegedly built it using technology that the U.S. itself. China is likely to cheat than a U.S. jetliner that crashed in Serbia, in 1999. The analysts and military experts Balkans (southeastern Europe) quoted from page Associated Press on Sunday, January 23, 2011,
said that the design of stealth aircraft technology and the Chengdu J-20 China recently tested two weeks ago is similar to the U.S. aircraft F-117 Nighthawk.This aircraft was shot down while serving a NATO air assault missions in the Kosovo War, March 27, 1999, by anti-aircraft missiles Serbia in one shot. The pilot managed to escape and survived.F-117 Nighthawk is a stealth aircraft that was shot first. The Pentagon believes that the Serb soldiers who shoot missiles using Soviet-made SA-3 is just lucky to be able to drop their aircraft.Pieces of the shattered plane then crashed in a farm in Serbia, some pieces even by car. Residents gather these pieces as a memento."At that time, our intelligence reports there are Chinese agents who roam the region where the plane crashed. They buy pieces of the plane from local farmers, "said Davor Domazet-Loso, the head of Croatian troops in the Kosovo War."We believe China uses these pieces to learn stealth aircraft technology, and make it back," added Loso.A Serb military official who was not named also said that the plane pieces were collected by residents and purchased by foreign military attaches.China tested Chengdu J-20 aircraft on January 11, 2011. This aircraft was said to have matched the U.S. stealth aircraft technology. J-20 is rumored to be a serious rival F-22 Raptor aircraft owned by U.S.